Keynote “Europe has entered the chat : understanding how the Région Sud fosters the development of its CCSI ecosystem in Europe”

  • Culture
  • Knowledge transfer - Industry
  • Innovation
  • International
Published on October 28, 2024 Updated on October 28, 2024

on the November 7, 2024

[11:30AM - 1:00PM]

Labobox – Friche la Belle de Mai – Marseille
Free, subject to prior booking.

Going European is a challenge for too many CCI-players who would like to develop their activities, meet new partners and build lasting collaborations. However, the Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is making a major effort to raise the profile of its CCI ecosystem in Europe. This keynote will present some ambitious initiatives designed to promote the European development of the region's artistic, creative and cultural fabric.

Introduction by Jean-François Trubert, Professor and chargé de mission CCI, Université Côte d'Azur, Chairman of the MIN4CI Foundation
Moderated by Edina Soldo, Professor and Vice-President of Culture, Aix-Marseille Université
  • Sequence 1 - EIT Culture & Creativity : rethinking the CCI ecosystem in Europe
By Àurea Rodríguez, Director of Co-Location Center South-West - EIT Culture & Creativity
  • Sequence 2 -  MIN4CI, the Mediterranean CCI-foundation in the Région Sud
By Marie-Laurence Com, representation of the Région Sud in Brussels
  • Sequence 3 -  Succes Story, zoom on the project “Musical Bounce Back” by Piano and Co
By Nathalie Négro, artistic director and Perrine Verstraeten, managing director - Piano and Co

This event is part of the "Forum régional entreprendre dans la culture". Initiated by the French Ministry of Culture, this forum offers cultural entrepreneurs and artists a place to come together and provides practical information and tools for understanding the support schemes and structures that can help them in their region. It also provides opportunities for collaboration and networking.

Free, subject to prior booking. Ticket office

More information about the programme here.
You can also take part in the opening of the Biennale des imaginaires numériques on Thursday 7 November from 5pm.